In good tradition, SYSGO and Vector Informatik once again organized a joint webcast some days ago. The topic this time was “How to Develop a Mixed-critical AUTOSAR Adaptive ECU with Safety and Security by Design”.
The theme stems from a joint venture between SYSGO and Vector aimed at creating a consistent and uniform AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform. The challenges are executing applications of different criticalities and ASIL levels while designing and preserving segregation between different applications.
The number of registrations and participants was very high. The strong interest makes clear how big the need for an innovative solution – which addresses the central challenges of resource sharing and time sharing through resource partitioning and time partitioning without neglecting safety and security aspects – is.
The development has become necessary due to the greatly increased demands on software and hardware for developments such as Car-2-X (C2X) or autonomous driving in the automotive industry. The speakers Chris and Ingo presented an approach how to integrate existing and legacy automotive software within AUTOSAR adaptive context, e.g. automotive applications, Linux, complex device drivers, communication management, SOME/IP, managers for complex hardware/co-processors, health monitoring, crypto servers.
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