

SYSGO Newsletter


2021 / 04 - Divide and Rule (and Master!)

This December marks the 30th anniversary of SYSGO. We thank you for your loyalty and continue to go the extra mile in embedded innovations - technologically as well as in our support and service offerings. These 30 years have seen several digital revolutions - both in the networking of computers, the Internet, and in the penetration of the sector and its growing hazard potential.

The caravan of digitization is leading further and further into the deepest corners of all industries and all our lives. Wherever it enters, users benefit from new features that are a blessing in many ways - whether it's being able to communicate with each other from anywhere in the world, receiving important information in real-time, or improving technologies such as Medical devices to a previously unimaginable extent.

But for all the blessings that digitization brings, the change also brings dangers and challenges: Those same Medical devices need to be both functionally safe and cybersecure, and information need to flow in real-time. Networked devices that are supplied with critical and Safety-relevant data must meet particularly high requirements.

From the very beginning, we at SYSGO have made it our mission to make this digitalized world particularly safe, secure and efficient in respect with our know-how and technologies. We promise to follow this path and are pleased to present you vital use cases in this newsletter.

We wish you a Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

With kind regards,
Your SYSGO Team
PS: You can find use-value orientated videos on our YouTube channel such as our webcasts addressing Safety and Security challenges in your industry.

Highest Safety for Mobility

Chip Shortage in Automotive

The chip shortage is causing problems for carmakers: Cars aren't being built ready and the market isn't easing yet. Here, too, the downside of digitization becomes apparent: New challenges arise that have to be taken into account. Supply contracts are only good if they can be honored, and once orders are no longer placed, it is not quite so easy to get the goods you need again. Instead of waiting for the solution, there is an alternative that compromises neither functional Safety nor Cybersecurity.

Read the Blog Article

C++ in Safety-Critical Environments

When it comes to functional Safety, there can be no compromises. People continue to be the greatest source of danger in automobile traffic. Despite all the prophecies of doom, digitization offers an opportunity to make automobility safer for everyone. This requires experience in the field, especially in certification according to ISO 26262 and, on the other hand, in the programming itself. In our whitepaper, we have summarized what needs to be considered in the field of Automobility and also Avionics when programming with C++.

Download the Whitepaper 

PikeOS in Space

With our new real-time operating system for controllers PikeOS for MPU, we offer a functionally secure and cyber-safe operating system that is used in space applications such as satellites. In addition, PikeOS Classic can also be used on radiation-hardened SoCs. ECCS certification provides the basis for secure space travel. We show differences and similarities to DO-178 and describe use cases in which our PikeOS series is used.

Read the Professional Article

It's all about Security (in a Safety-driven World)

Embedded Linux in Medical Applications

In many ways, digitization has changed the world. In the Medical sector in particular, there are a large number of life-supporting devices and instruments that are connected to each other. This is often done by edge devices connected to data centers which enables applications such as the monitoring of vital functions, producing new insights by merging data. The field of application ranges from wearables to pacemakers which is recognized as a field of assets that must be protected accordingly - today more than ever.

Our embedded Linux ELinOS provides Security and Safety without compromising on performance or development time/time-to-market.

Read the Professional Article

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PikeOS for MPU

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