

SYSGO Newsletter


2022 / 11 - Security Special: Common Criteria EAL5+

As the European leader in embedded solutions, SYSGO has always put highest effort and knowledge to bring its products and services to the forefront of the embedded universe. We see that Security has become a major need in our connected world and is therefore essential to protect infrastructure, devices and data. Today, we are pleased to announce our latest achievement in embedded Security!

SYSGO's real-time operating system and hypervisor PikeOS 5.1.3 separation kernel has received Common Criteria EAL5+ certification, providing our customers with a compliant certification kit that strongly reduces the Security certification time. Together with our Security features and technologies, this new achievement paves our way to provide our customers with the best Security solutions on their SYSGO journey.

Stay safe and secure!
Your SYSGO Team 

Highest Levels of Security for all Industries

SYSGO’s PikeOS achieves Common Criteria EAL 5+ Security Certification

We proudly announce this is a giant leap for the Cybersecurity for any embedded systems used in connected cars, planes, trains, industrial and medical equipment, appliances or robots running on the new PikeOS 5.1.3 separation kernel. Find out more why embedded software developers will now have an extremely secure base for their applications.

Read the Press Release

Security - A universal Requirement

SYSGO has developed advanced solutions for today’s Security requirements – including certification service and long-term support. With PikeOS, our secure real-time operating system, and ELinOS, SYSGO’s secure embedded Linux distribution, we offer sophisticated solutions for applications with high demand for Security.

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Why settle for Adhoc Testing when you can certify for IT Security?

The question of how to improve the IT security of software and information-processing systems is more pressing than ever: The number of malware variants has increased by 22 percent in 2021 alone. The damage caused by hacker attacks amounts to 203 billion in Germany in 2021. Against this background, there is now a general understanding that this danger must be addressed appropriately.

Read the Blog Article

SYSGO's Security Functionalities

If your goal is a certification according to Common Criteria or an admission process in the context of a military project, SYSGO can do more for you than just hand you over our Security target. Have a look at our technologies for PikeOS and ELinOS to get your Security-critical projects successfully implemented.

SYSGO Security Page 

ELinOS Embedded Linux

Our Linux distribution ELinOS has been designed to allow developers to save time and effort by helping them to focus on their application.

Free ELinOS Test Version Download

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ELinOS Project Download

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