Press Releases

ELinOS Embedded Linux

ELinOS 3.1 comes with Windows Cross and Linux Kernel v2.6

SYSGO presents ELinOS v3.1 during the electronica in Munich. The most important innovation of the embedded Linux development environment is the integration of the Linux kernel v2.6 with many improvements regarding response times, memory management and security. In addition, ELinOS is now also available for Windows hosts.

"As our customer survey has shown, many users want to develop for Linux target systems but by using their existing Windows infrastructure," explains Knut Degen, CEO of SYSGO. "With Windows Cross we are consistently moving on the path of broadening the application possibilities of Linux."

Another focus of ELinOS v3.1 is the integration of Linux kernel v2.6.9 for all available hardware architectures. The new kernel has an improved scheduler that already offers much faster response times "out of the box". In addition, large parts of the kernel code are now interruptible and the latency times for task changes are greatly reduced. These changes allow Linux to be used in many applications even without a real-time extension. Furthermore, the implementation of threads with NPTL (Native POSIX Threading Library) was improved and aligned with the POSIX standard, memory management was optimised and a new block I/O system was developed. Various security models such as IPSec and Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) were integrated into the kernel v2.6 and made accessible for the development of embedded systems with ELinOS.

In addition to the new 2.6 kernel, the proven kernel version 2.4 continues to be delivered with ELinOS 3.1 and supported by the tools.

With ELinOS v3.1, SYSGO presents a complete development environment for embedded Linux. Together with the CoTools CODEO and COGNITO, which were already introduced with version 3.0, the entire software development cycle of a product can be covered. In addition, the new Custom Board Support Program provides a link between hardware and device manufacturers that further streamlines the value chain.

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