Press Releases


On Course: SYSGO plans 50% Growth for 2006

SYSGO, system software specialist for the embedded market, expects a 50% growth in turnover in the current year 2006. The acquisition of the French partner APES underlines the expansion course and the European orientation of the solution provider.

The number of employees is also expected to increase by 50 %. This growth is made possible, among other things, by the success of the strategic virtualisation solution PikeOS, which was launched in February 2005. PikeOS enables the parallel integration of different embedded applications or operating systems on a common platform and regulates their communication. The company announced its growth plans last week at the embedded world in Nuremberg.

50 % more Turnover in 2006

"We launched PikeOS at embedded World 2005 and have experienced a strong response in the market since then," said Knut Degen, CEO and board member for Marketing and Sales at SYSGO, commenting on the growth prospects. "Our virtualisation solution shows enormous potential as basic software for migration and platform consolidation, certification in safety-critical applications and for using Linux in hard real-time and security environments."

SYSGO's concept is currently being trialled by a wide range of customers in markets from avionics, automotive and automation to consumer electronics in Japan. PikeOS is a European solution and is therefore being evaluated in a number of large-scale Franco-German projects, mainly in avionics and defence projects. Discussion are being made for product generations that will be launched in the next few years.

"Due to the successful market launch of PikeOS and the good evaluation results in the current projects," Knut Degen continues, "we are aiming for a 50 % increase in sales this year, with many new employees to support us."

More than 30 new Employees in 2006

Overall, SYSGO wants to increase its staff by 50 % this year. Andreas Herzog and Johannes Fröhling will be the first to do so. Andreas Herzog was hired as Commercial Director at SYSGO in September 2005.

He was previously employed as Commercial Director at Jenoptik Mikrotechnik GmbH for two years. His responsibilities at SYSGO include finance and administration.

Johannes Fröhling, who previously worked for two years - also at Jenoptik - as Head of Marketing and Sales, has been Head of Sales for SYSGO since February 2006. He underlines the growth plans: "In the next two years we want to become a key player in Europe and Asia and from this strengthened position we want to open up new regional markets. SYSGO AG is to become the number one solution provider and service partner in the constantly growing embedded systems market."

Strategic Cooperations and Partnerships

SYSGO has also positioned itself well for its planned growth through a number of cooperations and partnerships in the embedded systems market. For example, the company works closely with consulting partners such as CapGemini.

On the hardware side, partnerships have already been concluded with manufacturers for PowerPC and x86 platforms such as DigitalLogic, MEN Mikro Elektronik, MicroSys, Phytec and TQComponents, which mainly serve the automotive, avionics, industrial, railway and defence markets.

On the tool side, partners such as Aonix, Lauterbach, Telelogic and, new during the fair, Esterel were won, which provide tools for automatic code generation, code verification and the creation and analysis of software for safety-critical applications.

PikeOS RTOS & Hypervisor

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