Press Releases

SYSGO and OpenSynergy cooperate for the Automotive Market

The software companies SYSGO AG and OpenSynergy GmbH agree on an exclusive cooperation in the target market automotive industry. They will offer car manufacturers a joint software platform that already meets aviation safety standards and at the same time meets the requirements of AUTOSAR (Development Partnership for the Standardisation of Software Architecture in the Automotive Industry). OpenSynergy's General Manager Rolf Morich emphasises in a press release from the two partners: "Thanks to the high quality standard of SYSGO's technology, we can provide automotive manufacturers and their suppliers with a universal operating system that bridges the gap between consumer electronics and modern automotive electronics while meeting the safety-oriented requirements of the aviation industry."

OpenSynergy's core COQOS product provides a solution that enables the integration of multiple applications with different requirements on a single piece of hardware, while ensuring full compatibility with AUTOSAR. By using SYSGO's virtualisation technology, COQOS realises the secure demarcation between the subsystems so that mutual interference can be excluded. For example, Linux-based solutions such as Android can run on a head unit, as can driver assistance systems or AUTOSAR applications.

SYSGO decided to partner with OpenSynergy in order to be able to tap into the automotive market more quickly. SYSGO's Chief Executive Officer Michael Tiedemann comments: "OpenSynergy's extensive know-how and good reputation in the automotive industry will enable us to quickly implement our strategy of transferring the success of our secure virtualisation platform PikeOS from aviation to the automotive industry. "

In the new product from SYSGO and OpenSynergy, COQOS will be integrated with PikeOS. This integration creates a very robust platform, as PikeOS was designed from the outset for safety-critical applications and is used in systems certified to the highest safety standards such as DO-178 B. Accordingly, the microkernel-based operating system is already used in the Airbus A350XWB and A400M aircraft types. The new joint platform with aerospace technology can flawlessly meet the requirements of latest automotive safety standards such as ISO 26262. "The joint platform will revolutionise automotive electronics in terms of safety," Morich is convinced.

About OpenSynergy GmbH

Berlin-based OpenSynergy develops and markets software products for the automotive industry. The COQOS software construction kit enables the secure execution of infotainment and/or AUTOSAR applications on only one hardware by means of virtualisation technology. Due to the modular approach of COQOS, it can be used in head units, instrument clusters and body control modules. In addition, OpenSynergy offers consulting and engineering services for software development and software architectures in the fields of infotainment, connectivity and AUTOSAR.

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