Professional Articles

  • Automotive

    RTOS und Hypervisor als Basis für das SDV

    Die Anforderungen an das Software-Defined Vehicle sind vielfältig. Eine technische Basis eint die Anforderungen jedoch: ein modernes RTOS mit integriertem Hypervisor, in dem sich alle relevanten Komponenten abbilden, sicher miteinander vernetzen und kompatibel betreiben lassen.

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  • Chip Virtualization

    Integriertes RTOS- und Hypervisor-Ökosystem für MPU- und MMU-gestützte Prozessoren

    Hybride System-on-Chips integrieren zunehmend heterogene Prozessoren. Entwickler sehen sie jedoch als eine Komponente an, die sie möglichst integriert entwickeln wollen. Ein homogenes RTOS- und Hypervisor-Ökosystem für sowohl MPU- als auch MMU-gestützte Prozessoren bietet den entscheidenden Komfortgewinn.

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  • Industrial Automation

    Separation Kernels für Industriesteuerungen

    Separationskerne bieten eine höhere Sicherheit als die Trennung per Container. Mit Containerisierung lässt sich nur eine limitierte Isolierung erzielen, denn sie ist normalerweise nicht dafür vorgesehen, bösartigen Code an der Ausweitung von Privilegien zu hindern

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  • PikeOS for MPU

    Develop heterogeneous SoC homogeneously

    Hybrid system-on-chips increasingly integrate heterogeneous processors. However, developers see them as one component that they want to develop as integrated as possible. A homogeneous RTOS and hypervisor ecosystem for both MPU- and MMU-supported processors provides the critical convenience gain.

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  • Chip Virtualization

    Development on Bare Metal vs. RTOS

    When developing embedded systems that are to be real-time capable, one of the first and most important questions is whether the applications should run under a real-time operating system (RTOS) or whether a bare-metal solution should be developed. Bare-metal programming is generally understood to mean that an application is written directly on the hardware without using an external programming interface, i.e. an operating system. Applications access here directly hardware registers of…

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  • Industrial Automation

    Secure Factory Automation

    The continuing technological advancement that is enabling decreasing costs and greater compactness of devices make it possible to connect and control more physical elements in the industrial environment today. This is enabling industrial engineers to monitor processes with greater accuracy and drive OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). At the same time separate operational technology (OT) systems are merging with enterprise IT infrastructure. However, this greater connectivity also brings more…

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  • Industrial Automation

    Security Certification of IoT Devices with a Component-based Software Design

    Different types of IoT applications are subject to different security standards. Whether you want to meet the requirements of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security (ISO 15408), IEC 62443 for Industrial Control Systems, EDSA (Embedded Device Security Analysis) or J3061 in the automotive sector: We will show you how you can quickly meet all necessary requirements with a component-based software design.

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  • Safety & Security

    Safety first? Security is just as important

    In many applications in the railways, aircraft or automotive industry the interaction between safety and security is of particular importance, since there are many dependencies between them and they can therefore no longer be considered separately.

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PikeOS RTOS & Hypervisor

RTOS & Hypervisor

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PikeOS for MPU

PikeOS for MPU

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ELinOS Embedded Linux

Embedded Linux

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