Solid Sands

Solid Sands offers compiler validation, code qualification and high Safety certification requirements for the PikeOS development environment.


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Compiler Test and Validation Suite for C/C++

  • Huge library of hand-written tests
  • Large body of generated tests
  • Framework to easily set up and run compiler validations
  • Report generator that provides comprehensive overviews of validation results in multiple formats, including HTML, to immediately identify regressions of the latest compiler build compared to a designated reference

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The SuperTest Compiler Test and Validation Suite verifies C and C++ compilers and libraries. SuperTest is used worldwide by compiler developers for quality assurance and by safety-critical software developers to qualify third-party and open-source compilers following the most up-to-date functional safety standard requirements. SuperTest offers hand-crafted and generated test files, including millions of conformance tests to address quality and functional safety. It includes many tests aimed at compiler internals such as analyses, transformations and optimizations.

SuperTest includes a powerful and flexible test platform. The configurable test driver seamlessly integrates with any compiler development environment and target processor. The test platform has extensive reporting tools to show traceability between the tests and the sections in the C and C++ language specifications. They provide evidence of the conformance of the compiler implementation and the completeness of the test suite.


C Library Safety Qualification Suite

  • Detailed breakdown of the ISO C library specification into the requirements
  • Test specifications that describe how the requirements are verified
  • Test cases in accordance with ISO 26262-6
  • High structural coverage of the library implementation
  • Software tool providing documentation with of the requirements are met and which are not 
    (e.g. ISO 26262 certification process in Automotive)

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The SuperGuard Library Safety Qualification Suite is a requirements-based test suite for the C and C++ standard libraries. It is used by application developers and tool suppliers to qualify third-party (COTS), open source and self-maintained library implementations for use in safety-critical applications. SuperGuard provides a detailed breakdown of the ISO C and C++ library specifications into testable requirements for the library implementation. The requirements have full traceability to test specifications and tests, as required by functional safety standards. The tests achieve high structural code coverage of the target library implementation, which demonstrates their completeness.

SuperGuard includes a powerful and flexible test platform. It comes with a software tool that reports the requirements and test results. The configurable test driver seamlessly integrates with any development environment and target processor.

Customer Added Values


In-house expertise to ease the integration of Solid Sands tools and SYSGO operating software


Supported and qualified GCC compiler for Safety-critical projects in combination with C/C++ standard libraries


Helping customers to achieve the highest certification (e.g. Automotive ISO 26262 ASIL B, Railway EN 50128 or EN 50657 SIL 2)


Reduced effort in the qualification and certification process for Safety and Security expertise


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About Solid Sands

Solid Sands is the world-leading provider of verification and qualification technology for C and C++ compilers and libraries. Our mission is to make the world a safer place. Our products support companies to achieve both the highest quality objectives and the most up-to-date functional safety standard requirements. By creating the best possible test suites for C and C++ compilers, libraries, and analysis tools, we are at the forefront of software testing and qualification. Our flagship products include SuperTest, the most comprehensive compiler test and validation suite, and SuperGuard, a library safety qualification suite. With industry partners worldwide, we serve leading and innovative semiconductor, IP and security companies, as well as safety-critical software companies in the automotive, robotics, railway and medical industries.